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Friday 17 June 2011

GlitterArty Illusion- How to do It

The effect: You make a stream of glitter appear from your fist and from a tissue. You then show a sheet of paper, pour glitter into it, and then reveal a message of choice made with glitter

You Need
1 Thumbtip (Availible from all good magic shops)
3 Sheets A4 paper
Pritt stick
1 tissue
A few tubes of glitter


Pour a little glitter into the thumbtip (A little goes a long way!)

Pour a little glitter into the tissue, and fold the tissue to hold the glitter in

On 1 of the sheets of paper, write your message with pencill. Using the Pritt-Stick,  fill the letters of the message with glue. cover it with Glitter, then shake off the excess.

Fold that sheet of paper and another sheet. Glue one side of each together, so that you can flip down the sheet with the message on to reveal it.

Glue the two attached sheets to the third, but leave the side above the message unglued. Fold the empty sheet on top of the one with the message. This gives the impression that you have 1 sheet of empty paper.

Put the tissue in your pocket, the thumbtip over your thumb, and the paper and a tube of glitter the same colour as the message, to one side. You are ready to begin.


Show your hands as empty from the front, with both thumbs pressed against the second fingers. From this position, the thumbtip looks like your normal thumb.

Close your other hand over the thumb with the thumbtip on and transfer it to inside your fist. Move the hand without the thumbtip away and show it clean. This will divert attention from the fist with the thumbtip on.

Turn the fist with the thumbtip in slowly upside down. the glitter in it will cascade to the floor.

Take the empty hand and put the thumb into the fist. Here it collects the thumbtip. Move the now empty fist around and show it as empty. This distracts the viewer from the fact that the thumbtip is now on the thumb of the other hand.

Announce that you need to sneeze. Put the hand with the thumbtip on into your pocket to get the tissue. Release the thumbtip into the pocket, and take out the tissue. The quicker you do this, the less it looks like you are putting something into your pocket as well.

Bring the tissue to your nose and mime sneezing. As you do, tear the tissue up. The glitter in it will cascade to the floor. Throw the peices of tissue down with it.

Pick up the gimmicked paper with the message folded in. Show both sides blank.

Take the glitter and pour it into the unglued side.

Turn the paper around to show the non-Gimmicked side as blank. As you do so, fold the section of the gimmick with the message on out so it shows. Do this front on, so (unlike my performance) you can't see the paper being folded down.

Turn it around to reveal the message written in glitter!

Take a bow!

Note: Glitter is very messy indeed. Perform the effect over old newspaper, try not to get any glitter on your clothes, and clean up afterwards!

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