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Tuesday 25 December 2012

Incroyable Talent Semifinals- The Angels Vs Theo Dari

With Dressing Flash and Alpha having performed (and been eliminated) in the last two live shows, two magic acts were left to compete this week- The Angels and Theo Dari.

How Did The Angels Do?

The Angels were the act I was most looking forward to in the live shows, but they disappointed. The problem was not their tricks, but their timing- they spent too long on their dance routines. Their first trick, making a member appear from inside a pyramid frame, took over a minute when it should have taken ten seconds. Their other illusion, which involved making a motorbike appear from a translucent shadow box was also ruined by a slow build up. If The Angels had cut out about a minute of unnecessary dancing and filled the time with solid illusions, they might have been more popular with the judges and audience, as their tricks, whilst pretty generic, were large-scale and well-presented.

How Did Theo Dari Do?

Theo Dari did what most viewers hoped he would- he upped his game while keeping what the viewers loved about his act- he used more lasers in more creative ways. The best and most original trick he did was at the end, where he created a rainbow of light above the stage and appeared to vanish into it, only to reappear on the platform he was using for his performance moments later. He fared far better then The Angels, and looks like a decent contender for victory.

What did the Judges Say?

The Angels received 2 X's from Gilbert and Sophie - All the judges agreed that they had wasted too much time dancing instead of wowing people with their magic.  Theo Dari, however, received nothing but praise-Even an initially ambivalent Dave claimed he enjoyed watching his act.

Who Got Through?

The Angels were unsurprisingly eliminated, but Theo Dari beat favourites Abkari and Brahem to get through to the final, which will be held later this week.

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